general information

WMO English Academy Vellamunda is located at Kinatingal, Vellamunda, about 18 km from mananthavady (Affiliated to CBSE New Delhi Reg. 931194). Run under the agies of Wayanad Muslim Orphanage Muttil.

The school is located in quiet place surrounded with appealing campus. Facilities for academic excellence are supplemented with co curricular and extracurricular activities in the campus.

Our teachers are highly qualified well experienced and competent. The school vehicles are playing around 15 km of radius from school. To ensure individual attention we restrict the strength in each class. Arrangements for all India examinations are made to familiarise with competitive examinations in the national level. Computer is introduced from class 1st onwards took up with it development and character for future needs. Do importance is given to moral studies and character formation. Aur Moto is value based education to all.

We follow the CBSE syllabus as per the norms of the board and following subjects are
    1. English
    2. Malayalam
    3. Hindi
    4. Arabic
    5. Mathematics
    6. General Science
    7. Social Science
    8. Music and Dance
    9. Physical Education
    10. Moral Studies
    11. Drawing
    12. Computer Science
    13. General Knowledge

The medium of instruction is English and extra coaching in all subjects will be given to the need to bring them up to desired level. We have regular classes for six days in a week, attendance in the morning assembly is compulsory.

1. Parental attention to study and related matters.

Parents must watch and guide their child's studies at home. Children must be given constant attention and encouragement to improve their performance. Please don't allow your child to be absent except for health reasons or such exceptionally valid reasons. However please do not send your child to school if he or she is suffering from any illness.

If a child has not attended the class on health ground leave must be entered in proper form Indus diary. Absence without leave letter will be affect the child's progress and promotion. Options after vacation or long holidays will be observed very seriously.

Letter sent to the parents must be appropriately responded. Parents when summoned school must understand that there is something very important to be discussed with them.

Parents are requested to not to allow children to bring any electronic gadgets to the school. Any violation of rules will be viewed very seriously.

Parents and students are strongly discouraged from giving any kinds of gifts to teachers or staff members.

Students are not permitted to bring money to the school unless there is a clear instruction from the school to bring money for a particular purpose. Gold or any other ornaments expensive watches are prohibited table as they go against the very objectives of school uniform. Boys shall have decent haircut. Having long hair and crewcut are thoroughly discouraged.

Parents have a responsibility to encourage modest and decent dressing habits confirming to acceptable social mores amongst children from very early stage of their development.

Parents are requested to write the child's name and class on his or her belongings such as water bottles tiffin carriers, umbrellas etc..

2. Parent's visit to school

a). Parents are expected to visit the school for their transactions only during office hours on working days.

b). Parents visiting to school on a working day go to the school office and not faculty rooms or classrooms.

c). Parents are requested to take prior permission from the office to meet the principal.

d). Parents meeting their child's class teacher as well as subject teachers at least once in a month will definitely help their child's overall development.

3. Tests, exams and promotions

The school will conduct the periodic tests and exams, as scheduled in the diary and attendance is compulsory for all the exams. Promotion to the next higher class will be based on the overall performance through continuous evaluation. Unexpectedly if any test or exam day is declared holiday that day test or exam will be conducted on the next working day after the last date of exam.

Academic proficiency price is determined by a student's cumulative grades at the tests and exams of the year. If a student absent himself or herself on medical grounds and the absence is adequately justified such absence will be e content and average of their tests and exams will be reckoned for award of proficiency prizes. Such students cumulative grading will be reduced by certain number of points determined by a committee consisting of the class teachers.

No retest will be arranged nor rescheduling of test or exams will be done for any students on account of his or her absence from a test or exam or any part of it. Progress cards are to be returned duly signed by the parent on specified dates.

4. Attendance

Regular attendance in class is a condition for promotion. A student will not be promoted to the next higher class is his or her attendance falls below 80 %. Condanation is exercised only in exceptionally valid cases only to the extent of 15 % shortage.

5. Library, computer, science lab and smart class

Library computer science lab and smart classroom are significant and integral components of the school. Huge financial investments are done to make them up to date. Students are expected to use them with great diligence and care for their mental and intellectual nourishment. Students shall take care not to lose damage or deface any of the materials fixtures equipments that are provided. Any loss or damage will have to be replaced by the student concerned.

6. The Uniform

Monday to Thursday Grey colour uniform, black shoes and grey socks
Friday White colour uniform, white shoes and white socks

Kinder Garten
Monday & Wednesday Pink colour uniform, black shoes and grey socks
Tuesday & Thursday Yellow colour uniform, black shoes and grey socks
Friday White colour uniform, white shoes and white socks

a). Students have to come to the school in neat and full uniform prescribed by the school.

b). Students have to come to the school in uniform even when they come to attend special class or other programs on holidays.

7. Transportation

a). Students are requested to follow the school vehicle timings and should wait at the left side of the vehicle to board in the morning.

b). Parents of small children shall accompany the child to help them to both the bus in the morning and receive them by waiting on the left side of the vehicle in the evening. Parents must be aware of the vehicle timings.

c). Children have a tendency to run as soon as they get down from the bus. Parents are therefore requested to come and pick the child when they alight from the bus and move forward or go across the road only after the school bus has left. This is very important from the safety point of view.

d). Parents are requested to educate the children about the safety rules on the road and while driving a vehicle.

e). Parents are not allowed to accompany their children to the school in school vehicles.

f). Temporary change of bus is thoroughly discouraged. However if absolutely necessary prior permission should be obtained from the office.

8. Fee regulations

The school tuition fees should be paid in three installments as shown below. The vehicle fee should be paid on or before 28th of every month.

    1st installment to be paid on or before 30th June.

    2nd installment to be paid on or before 30th September.

    3rd installment to be paid on or before 31st December.

9. Rainy days

a). June to August beings the monsoon season. There will be rain on most of the days. But the school will not be closed. However, if there is a torrential rain and consequent floods disrupting traffic school may have to be closed and such closure will be notified earlier as soon as possible

b). If on account of torrential rain the school is unable to function on that day the school vehicles will not be taken parents make all the school office and confirm whether it is a holiday for the school or not.

10. Health and Insurance

Parents are requested to know to send children to school if they are suffering from any communicable disease and a doctor certifies to the effect that the child is fit to attend classes and the disease is unlikely to spread. Students who have any kind of contagious disease shall return to school only after the doctor's advice with a fitness certificate.

11. Working days

The school follows from Monday to Friday week schedule.